1966 Beetle Project – Sold – Bye Karl…

The time has come.  Karl was picked up today by the car hauling company to take him to his new owner in New York.  I have no plans to get another aircooled project at the moment, but I do remember saying that the last time I sold an aircooled VW too.  It was a lot of fun restoring Karl, but it took a lot out of me. Maybe I’ll do another one someday in the future.  My current plans are to use the proceeds from the sale of Karl towards an RV or camper trailer to take the family camping.  I only allow myself one toy at a time (wish I had more space), so unfortunately Karl had to go.  Here are some pictures from today:

I’ll start with a few pictures I posted on FaceBook and their threads.  Karl was quite popular and well liked…



One last photo-op with the kids…



All Loaded up…


Here’s a picture of one of my Ads:


 From today:


photo 00

photo 2

photo 01


photo 1


photo 3


photo 4


photo 5


photo 6

One final image.  A picture Aly drew for me over a year ago (when she was 8 years old).  It’s a drawing of her and I washing Karl on a bright sunny day. As far as mementos are concerned, it doesn’t get much better than that. It now hangs on my garage wall. 🙂


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